Coronavirus (Covid-19) - Statement on the current situation update

Coronavirus (Covid-19) - Statement on the current situation update

Coronavirus (Covid-19) - Statement on the current situation update


For several weeks now, the coronavirus has been the topic all over the world and many countries are reacting due to its rapid spread. We would like to comment on the current situation and inform our customers and partners about possible effects on the supply chain.

In Germany, our employees are mainly working from home and are still 100% available. All employees can be reached under the known telephone and mail addresses.

The Czech Republic has implemented a national emergency ordinance and has closed its border crossings to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. This was extended until 30. April 2020.

The borders have been closed in general for passenger traffic with several countries, including Germany and Austria, from Saturday, 14 March 2020 00:00 on.

According to the emergency ordinance in Poland and the Czech Republic, PENDLERS in the border area must enter a 14-day quarantine after each border crossing.

Further talks between the Czech Republic and Poland are ongoing, but no relaxation of the regulations is expected before 13.04.2020.

DELIVERIES OF GOODS are NOT affected by the border closures, but delays may occur due to truck traffic jams.

We take all possible internal actions to reduce the effects to a minimum.

We are monitoring the situation closely and will inform our customers proactively, if bottlenecks in our supply chain occur.
Further information can be found on the websites of Federal Foreign Offices and the World Health Organization.

We sincerely hope everything is safe and well for all of our customers and their families.

CiS electronic GmbH, D-Krefeld
CiS automotive GmbH, D-Krefeld
CiS systems s.r.o., CZ-Nové Město p.S.
CiS automotive SRL, RO-Sibiu